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Professor Gabriela Huminic

(Proceeding Editor)

Gabriela HUMINIC is full Professor and doctoral supervisor at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania. Hers academic and research interests include the heat and mass transfer, especially in the use of complex fluids in heat transfer applications (heat pipes, heat exchangers, solar collectors). The contributions in his field of research were published in top journals including Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Energy Conversion and Management, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, International Journal of Thermal Sciences. Several articles were classified as Hot Paper and Highly Cited Paper by Essential Science Indicators. She is associate editor of Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering and Frontiers in Thermal Engineering.

Professor Ajit Kumar Sharma

(Keynote Speaker & Proceeding Editor)

Prof Ajit Kumar Sharma has more than fourteen years of experience in developing nanocomposites, catalytic filters and advanced materials for energy and environmental applications. Based on fourteen years of experience, Prof Sharma has filed 10 International patents where 04 US patent is granted between 2017-2020 which are related to metal oxides based advanced materials. Prof Sharma has been awarded for his outstanding research contribution in the year 2020-21 at LPU University. Prof Sharma was also received National Research Foundation (NRF) of Postdoctoral Award from Ministry of South Korea 2013. Prof Sharma also honoured with DS Kothari Dimond Jubilee Medal by Water Man of India during International Conclave on Materials, Energy & Climate at IGDTUW, New Delhi, India, 2022. He has been invited by various Asian and European countries for invited and keynote talks. Prof Sharma has more than 100 international SCI-SCOPUS publications and several book chapters. Prof Sharma’s were published in good ranking journals such as Coordination Chemistry Review, Materials Today Chemistry, Energy, Catalysis Today, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Environmental Science Nano, Environmental Chemistry Letters, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Materials Science and Engineering: C, Journal of Environmental Management and among others.